Friday, November 12, 2004

The Week After - 11/8 - 11/12

It's time for some well deserved rest. I flew home without any complications on Monday. I was a little stiff, but nothing major. I worked from home on Tuesday since Emma was home sick. We had a nice day together. My legs actually felt better than on Monday...which is a first. Usually post-race day two feels a lot worse than day one.

Wednesday I returned to work and hit the gym on the way in. I rode the elliptical trainer at a moderate speed for 30 minutes...still no pain or anything. I stretched really well and felt good about the day.

Thursday was a school holiday and Emma's birthday so I worked from home. My legs feel great and I am itching to run.

On Friday I hit the gym again and did another 30 minutes on the elliptical trainer followed by a mile of run walk on the treadmill. My legs feel great. I was supposed to pick up my orthotics today, but they aren't ready to go. I am going to venture out tomorrow without them and see how my feet do. I can't sit around anymore. I am going to treat the upcoming week like a taper week to get ready for Motive next weekend.


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