Tuesday, November 16, 2004

First Day Back...on to Freescale

My first day back! I ran 5.35 miles in 43:36 in the warm rain through the streets of Circle C. My legs felt a bit more sluggish than I expected, but it was great to get out. I tried to do a "run as you feel" just to see how my legs would respond. I did the first 3 miles at a pretty good clip and then sped up a little for the last two miles. 1 - 8:19 , 2 - 8:17, 3 - 8:13, 4 - 7:58, 5 - 7:58 , .35 - 2:51 (8:10 pace)

I did some stretching after and my legs have a few spots of soreness, but I think that is to be expected from no pounding for 8 days.


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