Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Back to Blogging

I last blogged in December of 2009.  My BLOG was becoming more of a training diary than actual writing about life and running.  One of my "resolutions" for 2011 was to write more so I decided to restart this blog and write at least once a week about life, running, or whatever moves me a the time.  I am now tracking my running on which is a really nice, easy to use tool.

More to come...

Thursday, December 17, 2009

8 Miler in SW Austin

I received my official Dr's clearance to run yesterday. He said the toe is healing fine and was shocked at how much I have been running. This morning I met Wish for a route we haven't done in a long time an 8 mile loop in SW Austin. It was cold and rainy...felt just like my time in Oregon. Thank God I live in Austin now! I felt good during the run, but started to get really cold right at th end. I feel good now, just tired after my first full week of mileage since I broke my toe.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

800s at AHS

On another very cold morning I met the group for 800s at AHS. The goal was 4 - 8 depending on your race goals and etc. I was thinking 4 since this is my first real week back. I ended up doing 5 although at a slower pace than I normally do these. Still lots of work to do!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Recovery Run

I met Wish for a recovery run in Circle C today. We did a couple of loops in the park and then added some mileage in the south part of the neighborhood. Another cold front blew in so the temperature was dropping and it was windy. The cedar pollen is back so I had to find my Flonase to battle this year's pollen. I felt good after yesterday's workout, but my foot feels a bit more sore after running.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Hill Repeats at Spring Hill

Today I met the group for hill repeats at Spring Hill. We jogged over from Runtex and the goal was 3-6 repeats plus a few backward and some sprints up the steep part. I was thinking 3-4 and skipping the backward and sprints due to my foot. I ended doing 6 with Rachel and felt winded, but good. I hit the gym on the way home for some weights.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Saturday long Run

I met the group today for a kind of new course. We ran scenic and then headed east on Enfield to run the reverse Cap 10k course. The run was nice, but a bit too much sidewalk and trees to contend with. I felt really good until my stomach blew up again. I need to eat better and prep for long runs better. I did a few strides when I got back to Runtex and called it a day.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Treadmill Run and Weights

I took my rest day early yesterday so I could run on the treadmill again. My toe feels better, but the softer surface helps. I ran 5.25 miles/45 minutes and then lifted. It was a good workout prior to tomorrow's long run.