Wednesday, June 17, 2009

16x400 at AHS

Today we met for 400s at Austin High School. I parked at AHS so I could make a quick escape afterward. I did about a 2.5 mile warm up with Anne toward Runtex until we hit the group coming our way. We did our drills and it was time to run. The goal was 16 at 10k pace. I started with the fast group, but they rolled out at a lot faster. I stuck to my 10k pace which is around 7:00 per mile and translates to around a 1:45 for a 400. I stayed with my steady pace throughout the workout and felt like I could do more so I was successful. I averaged 1:44 for all 16 with a slow one of 1:45 and a fast one of 1:34. I did a 1.5 mile cool down with Brian and called it a day.

Stats - 9.01 miles


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