Wednesday, December 27, 2006

1200s at AHS

Today we met for another track workout. I thought we were doing mile repeats at Zilker so I was a little disappointed in another track workout. The turn really mess with my back. We did a casual jog over to the track and did our drills. None of my normal group was there so I joined Jay's group for the repeats. G said to do 6 and that was my plan. I got through 3 of them and got pulled aside by G and Petr to look at my back. Petr showed me the weakness in my core that is causing my back to collapse. He did some tweaks and loosened my back. I was able to knock 12 seconds off my next repeat and then 25 seconds off of my last one. He told me to start my ab strengthening from scratch so that it doesn't aggravate my back. I need to get in to see him after the first of the year to get it fixed for good.

Repeats - 5:27.42, 5:17.06, 5:19.5, 5:07.08, 4:54.01 - Average 5:12.9

Stats - 8.71 Miles


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