Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas! I was able to get out of the house for a quick 5 miles after opening presents and before making breakfast. I always like running on Christmas day. The day was beautiful and I really enjoyed being out there. There weren't too many walkers or runners this morning, but I was able to wish a few folks Merry Christmas along the way.

Christmas at our house went well this year. We put a limit on things and everyone seemed very happy with their surprises. Santa was good to the girls but didn't spoil them. We spent the afternoon at my cousin Andy's house where we enjoyed "Tur-duk-en." It is a cajun dish that takes the breast and legs of a turky wrapped around dirty rice, duck, and chick breast. It looked messy, but it tasted pretty good. We had a good time and it was nice to be with family today.

Stats - 5.02 miles/41:05/8:11 pace


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