Monday, December 11, 2006

Return of Wilke

Today was the workout at Wilke Mountain. I haven't been in months so I was kind of excited to get over there. The morning had a little chill and a lot of humidity. I wore a t-shirt with long sleeves over it and was burning up by the time we got to Wilke. We did our drills and were off for 7 uphill, 3 backward, and 3 sprints. The road was kind of wet so I had to be very careful during the repeats. I was breathing hard at the top, but overall felt pretty good. I jogged back with Marcy and Jan and headed to the gym. I did a quick stretch and felt some pain in my left upper leg/hip area. Hopefully it's just a tweak.

My schedule is a little weird this week due to work and a Christmas party on Friday. Tomorrow is a forced day off due to a all day meeting that starts early and I have to do my long run on Friday AM so I can have a few beverages on Friday night. Flexibility...

Stats - 8.57 miles


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