Saturday, December 30, 2006

Short Run to Mt. Bonnell

Today we met for a short run up to Mt. Bonnell. We headed out as one big mob and then broke out a bit once we got to the top of Mt. Bonnell. My legs weren't feeling so hot so I was lagging behind at the beggining. I had to stop for a hydration adjustment near the Hula Hut and then felt better as we headed to the scenic section. We skipped the water stop at the cleaners and headed up toward Mt. Bonnell. There was a river crossing the road so we had to tip toe through there. Jay was the first through there and took off. He was the first to the top. I felt pretty good through the mountain part and finished strong. We got water and powerade at the top and I ate my second CarbBoom. We headed down the back side in a different direction that Thon showed us. It was a little longer, less steep, and definitely less traffic. We made our way down Exposition to the last water stop at O'Henry and then the group really broke up. Jay went for the fast finish and some folks followed. We really strung out a lot. Brian and I stayed together until we got back. We were both just wanting to get the miles in after a great run last week. I did some strides when we got back and then headed back to the car. I decided to stretch at home since there wasn't a whole lot of dry space at RunTex to stretch.

Stats - 13.71 Miles/2:00:00/8:45
(My Garmin never synced with the satellite this AM so I got my mileage from Jay and running time from my watch)


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