Friday, March 09, 2007

Good Friends

I am in Phoenix for a few days for our business and to visit my family. Last night I was able to hook up with my best friend Dan. I say best friend because we have been friends since the 4th grade. That's 33 years! Friends come and go through your life, but we have been close since way back then. We may go weeks or months without talking, but I always know he is there for me and he knows that I am there for him. We have been lucky to be able to see eachother at least once a year for the past few years which is awesome. We can have a great time doing anything. Last night we just hung out at pizza place and drank some beers. We can laugh about old times, talk about our families, and just have a good time. We may be in our 40s, but our hearts and minds are still back in our teens when we were carefree and just having a good time. We didn't realize or appreciate it back then, but those were some pretty special times that will be in our memories forever.

Anyway, thanks Dan...for being my friend and a very special part of my life!


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