Saturday, April 30, 2005

LSR Between Storms

We had our last 10 mile run scheduled before our race in a week. I woke up at 5:15 to hear the wind howling outside. I also saw flashes of lightning which wasn't cool at all. I flipped on the set to see a large thunderstorm rolling towards our area of Austin. There were supposed to be 5 of us heading out this AM and I knew Jay and Alex would show up, so I rolled out in the storm to the rock. Jay was already there and Alex and Liliana showed up as well. We waited under the bridge for about 20 minutes as the remnants of the storm passed by and then headed out counterclockwise on the 10 mile Town Lake loop.

We started out at an easy pace and then got a little faster as we progressed. I had to make a hydration adjustment, as Jay calls taking a piss, at about the 4.5 mile mark. I had to go early on, but we had the big discussion about one of the slower runners and how often she had to pee so I held on for awhile. I took an Enervit gel at about mile 6 along with some water. I like these new gels because they aren't as thick as the Carboom gels. I am going to experiment this summer as I train for Chicago on which way to go. We ended up with just under a 9 minute pace which was perfect for a week prior to race day.

This week I plan on taking a little easier than when I did my last half marathon. I am running on Mon/Tues/Weds, resting on Thursday, and then an easy run Friday in Indianapolis before the race. It should be a fun week!


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