Sunday, June 26, 2005

Week in Florida - 6/22 - 6/26

We were just east of Panama City, Florida from the 22nd - 26th. I was able to get in a couple of runs as well as a round of golf, and some beach swimming during our time there. It was really hot and humid...a lot more than in Austin.

7-miler on June 23rd - I found a bike path on a road called 30-A near our rental house. I went out about 7:30 which was late for Florida since the sun comes up at 5:30. It was already really hot. I went 7 miles in 57:24 which was an 8:11 pace. I just wanted to finish. I didn't have any water so I had to drink out of a water hose on the way back.

18 holes of golf on June 24th - I dusted off my clubs to play with a couple of buddies that made the trip with us to Florida. I shot a 117 which wasn't bad for not playing in 3 years. I really enjoyed myself and it was nice to play a round and not be exhausted. I have never played golf before while I was in shape so this was fun.

14 miles on June 25th - I was able to keep my scheduled long run on Saturday. I mapped a course on the same bike path from Thursday and even planted some gatorade along the way so I would die out there. I had a really nice run and passed a lot of vacationing walkers and runners along the way. My planted gatorade came in really handy and I also took some enervitene with me. I drank half a the 5 mile mark and the other half at the 10 mile mark.

Stats - 14.06 miles/1:57:26/8:21 pace


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