Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Aborted Gazelle Workout

Today was supposed to be 200s at Zilker, but my knee acted up on the way to the workout and I had to watch. I was fine until we made the little climb into Zilker park and then I got a sharp pain in my right knee...from yesterday's little bobble during my strides. I started to do the warmup, but couldn't push off on the sided to side drill and headed over to talk to Gilbert. After everyone else took off, Gilbert showed me some stretches to help it. I ran back with the group afterwards and the knee felt fine.

I called Dr. Chassay, who helped me last year, and saw him this afternoon. He said it was just a tweak and I still have all the strength in the joint. He told me to cut back my mileage by about 25% for the next week or so and to avoid intense workouts. I can still run which is great news! I will crosstrain tomorrow and Friday, do a light run on Thursday, and I should be able to do the long run on Saturday with the group.

Stats - 2.83 miles
Average heart rate - 119
Maximum heart rate - 137


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