Saturday, June 18, 2005

2nd Long Run for Chicago

Today we ran a new course in preparation for Chicago. We ran from Porter Middle School off of south Lamar to the the trail; ran on the trail; and then back through the hills of the Barton Creek area. The first part of the course was downhill and pretty easy, but what goes down must come back up. My knee felt good going out and I was really being careful with my foot placement. That all went to hell when I followed Sean on a dirt section next to Lamar and tripped over a wire anchor. I landed on both knees and skinned them up pretty good. I was happy that I didn't take a direct hit to my right knee.

The first 4 miles were all downhill. We stopped for water along Lamar and then again at the rock where I ate a carboom. We finished off the trail and then headed across Barton Springs to the hard part of the course. It was many up and down hills. The overall course started at just under 700 feet. We bottomed out at just under 400 feet near AHS and then climbed back up. It was a really good run and my knee held up well.

We did a loop (.6 miles) around the school as a cool down and then I did a couple of strides carefully. I stretched at home and iced my knee. The skinned up knees hurt more than my injured knee so I think I am on the road to recovery.

Stats - 10.46 miles/1:27:10/8:19 pace
Average heart rate - 142
Maximum heart rate - 169


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