Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Easy Recovery Run and Weights

Today I did my last 7 mile recover run with Jan and Richard. We ran mostly in the dark and it wasn't as warm as it's been the past few days. We went at a very slow pace and talked a bit about our respective races. I went to the club and did my weight routine as well some ab work and stretching. Everything feels really good.

Stats - 7.18 Miles/1:10:32/9:49 pace

Now is the time when I start to obsess about things. Hopefully I can keep that unnecessary stress to a minimum. I am following the 75/50/25% of my max mileage rule for my taper and am going to lower the intensity of my running. I maxed out at 55 miles during my traning, so this week should be ~41.25 miles; next week ~27.5 miles, and the week before the marathon 13.75 miles.

For the rest of the week: Tempo run tomorrow - marathon pace; easy 4-5 miles on Thursday; Friday - rest; and 13 miles on Saturday.

Week of 9/25 - Sunday - Rest; Monday - 2/5 pace run; Tuesday - 5 miles easy; Weds - Ladder; Thurs - 5 miles easy; Friday - rest; Saturday 4 miles easy

Tentative Week of 10/2 - Sunday - IBM 10k; Monday - Easy 4 miles; Tuesday - Rest; Weds - Easy 4 miles; Thurs - Rest; Friday - Travel; Saturday - easy 3 miles


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