Saturday, September 17, 2005

Three Weeks to Go - LSR

Today we were supposed to run for about two hours since we are 3 weeks out. The weather really sucked this morning. The cool mornings of a week ago were a tease. It was in the 80s at the start and very humid. We did the Riverside to Grove course and then back on the trail. I didn't plan on going that fast since I did the full week of running plus the 20 miler last Saturday. I started out with Anne, Patrick and a couple of other folks. We started out at a pretty slow pace as the muscles got warmed up. We stopped for water at about mile 4 where I also took care of a water adjustment. We then headed through the sofball fields and onto the trail on the east side of the dam. I started feeling some stomach pangs and had to drop a duece at the power station bathroom. I didn't eat until around 6:30 last night, so I am sure that had a an effect on the stomach.

First 5 miles - 9:15, 8:54, 8:49, 8:45, 8:47

Anne was nice enough to wait for me and we headed off for the remainder of the run. We stopped at a couple of the water fountains and then again at the Rock for some water. The one thing about this course is that there isn't enough places with cold fluids and it was harder today since it was so warm and humid. We also picked it up getting closer to 8:00 miles for the remainder of the run.

Second 5 miles - 8:29, 8:08, 7:56, 8:14, 8:11

Last few miles - 8:03, GLITCH - somewhere between 7:45 and 8:00, 7:48

I did 5 strides and then headed home for Caroline's game.

Overall it was an OK run on a warm morning. The goal was to get the miles in and begin the taper. I wanted to keep my heart rate in the 130s and accomplished that goal.

Stats - 13.65 Miles/1:54:59/8:25 pace
AHR - 138
MHR - 168


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