Saturday, September 10, 2005

Last 20 Miler for Chicago - (posted 9/18)

Today was our last twenty miler before Chicago. I think everyone wanted to do well today to head into the final weeks with a good mental outlook. The weather was awesome today. It was dry with temps in the high 60s/low 70s. We did the top of Freescale course down to RunTex Riverside course again. I stuck with my breakfast of Clif Bar and about 20oz. of Gatorade Endurance. I also ate a Carboom right before we left. The goals for today were to finish under 8:40 pace and to run the last 5 miles reall strong. I was also curious what my heart rate woudl do given the cooler conditions. I have accomplished the first goal on every long run, but haven't done well with the second goal.

I cruised along with Jan and Sean for the beginning part of the course. We had some off-color discussions which were really hilarious. G and Bernard were following us around with water and Jay dropped off a cooler near Mangia on Lake Austin. I drank some Enervitene every 4 miles. Anne was ahead and then we lost her for awhile. She caught up with us somewhere on Shoal Creek.

First 10 miles - 9:14, 8:52, 8:56, 8:41, 8:31, 8:57, 8:52, 8:46, 8:43, 8:31

We lost Sean to a potty stop on Duval and headed down through the campus and downtown. I paced with Anne and Jan dropped back a little bit. We got final water across the street from Mangia and then headed out on the dreaded out and back.

Miles 11-15 - 8:24, 8:23, 8:29, GLITCH, 8:15

A lot of folks were ahead of us and running strong including Erine who usually blows up at the end. I needed to have a strong ending so I took off and really focused on running strong. Anne went ahead and I caught her on the way back to the trail. I kept running strong and did really well the last 5 miles.

Miles - 16 - 20 - 8:00, 7:40, 7:40, 7:34, 7:12

My heart rate average was really good and I didn't get up into the 150s and 160s until the last 5 miles when I was tired and pushing it. I did a few strides, stretched with the marathon folks, and then headed over to the Barton Creek run-off area for a soak. That part was kind of gross since the rocks are all slimy. Next time I will pay the $3 and go to the pool side. Overall it was really good day. I hope the temps in Chicago are cold!

Stats - 20.67 Miles/2:53:47/8:24 pace
AHR - 138
MHR - 168


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