Monday, June 19, 2006

Week 3 of Circuits

Today was week of 3 of our strenght sessions before we get into some pace runs on Mondays. I am starting to enjoy doing these workouts because you get a lot of work and don't feel so beat up from the running. We started at 5:45 and headed over to AHS the long way. We did our drills and then our substitute coaches, Bernard and Pete, put us in motion for 20 minutes of circuits. It was the usual stuff with Pete adding some animation to liven it up. I did 3 complete sets today which is one more than the last two times. Once we finished the last set we did 2x1:00 minute fast feet, two minutes of planks, and the partner ab exercises. The marathon group was sent packing the long way home and we were done. I was soaking wet and felt really drained, but felt really good about the workout.

I got to the gym where I did some leg extensions and stretched. I hopped on the scale and my morning weight was 198; sub 200 for the first time since Chicago last year. I am doing a decent job of watching what I am eating and if I keep up this pace will be in my goal range of 185 by the end of September.

Stats - 7.4 Miles