Monday, June 12, 2006


Today we met at RunTex for circuit training. I got there at 6 and ran over with Jan and Brian. G was late due to some troubles with Frontier Airlines in Denver but arrived in time to give us our instructions. The marathoners had to run an 800 then do step ups, crunches, back raises, push ups, fence squats, and lunges. We then did another 800 with the same exercises except change out leg raises for crunches and Superman jumps for the fence squats. I was about to start my 3rd 800 when G called us all into the track for some ab work. We did some lower ab work by raising our legs to 15, 30, 45 and 90 degrees and holding it for a period of time. I then paired up with Jay to do some more ab work. The exercises were hard, but the most pain came from my arms on the track...that really sucked. We ended with two x 1 minute fast feet. The second time was really cool because we all chanted INGWE and got into a really awesome cadence.

I ran back the long way with Jan and Brian and headed off to the gym. I did some stretching and headed to work. My ankle is still not right so I am going to see Dr. Mullins on Thursday. He has fixed an ailment for me the past two summers so hopefully he can figure this one out.

Stats - 6.1 miles


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