Saturday, December 09, 2006

Long Day of Running...Literally!

Today my running day started at 5:45AM and ended around 7:00PM. I had a break in between, but it was another fun day. I started out this AM for an 18.5 miler on the new marathon course and ended my running day by running The Trail of Lights 5k with the family.

For the long training run, I ran with many of the Chicago peeps and we had a really good time. There was lots of good conversation and laughs. For me the run was a lot better than the last time we did parts of the new course. I am now sold on running this race in February. It won't be a BQ effort, but I am going to run it and determine goal pace after the 20 miler in January.

As for this run we headed south on Congress and cut around the school for the deaf and back up First Ave. I think we cut out a loop that is on the real course and started north. Once we got across MoPac we started to run into the Rogue folks and it was good we did. They had the course painted on the road so we were able to follow the arrows and not get lost. I had to stop for some load balancing at a gas station as we crossed Burnet. I ate my Carboom at around mile 4, 10 and then around 15. The water stops were kind of staggered weird but no biggie. I picked it up over the last three miles with Marcy and Brian. Mile 16 was 8:30, 17 - 8:41, 18 - 7:38, and the last .55 miles at 7:37 pace.

After we got back to RunTex we jogged over to Auditorium Shores and did some strides. I went and put on some warm clothes and joined the group for the stretching. Some of us went to Las Manitas for a late breakfast. I feasted on Chorizo with eggs and a bowl of Pozole.

Stats - 18.55 Miles/2:47:42/9:02 pace
AHR - 134
MHR - 156

Trail of Lights 5k

The whole family ran the 5k this evening. We got there too early but it was a good thing since there was a huge traffic jam. Evil was spinning tunes dressed as Santa Claus. We ran into Lisa and her family before the race. As it got closer to race time, it was a total zoo out there. I guess many folks paid to walk and see the lights a day early, but the start was really unsafe with walkers, dogs, and strollers all up front combined with people trying to really race. We split the girls with Carla taking Emma and me with Caroline. Caroline and I were shooting for a new PR for her after her debut race last month. The course was pretty cool since we train on most of it. It was a combination of the 2000M repeat loop and the mile repeat loop with some time on Barton Springs under MoPac. The gun went off and I was holding Caroline's hand as we tried to run. We had a couple of start and stops, but got through unscathed. We were pushing pretty good and ran a first mile of 10:38. The second mile was all of the Christmas lights and Caroline was a bit tired by then. We started taking some walk breaks in that section. The crowds were a little thinner by then, but still crowded. Mile two was slower at 11:56 and she was really getting tired. We kept going with more walk breaks. We had to climb the back of the mile repeat hill and it was really dark in there. We were really careful due to the rough road. Once we got to the bottom we hit the 3 mile sign and slowed to 12:43. We climbed the last hill on the run so we could break 37 minutes. We crossed in 36:40/11:47 pace, and were both happy to finish on the run. Caroline was a trooper again and did really well. Carla and Emma had a good run and enjoyed themselves. The run was nice, but I doubt if we will do it in the future. We can do some smaller 5ks in the future and walk The Trail of Lights at Christmas time.


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