Monday, January 22, 2007

Mile Repeats at Zilker

Well the wonderful weather we had yesterday didn't last long. It was cold and windy this morning with rain moving in later today. I wore tights and a few layers on top. I took the top layer off after our warmup and felt comfortable. G said we had to do only 4 repeats which was awesome. I was thinking 5 or 6 driving over and dreading it since my legs are still tired from Saturday. I lined up with Anne for the first repeat and I think Bonnie was with us as well. The first one felt hard, but it was really slow at 7:23. We picked up the pace for the next two, 6:59, 6:52. Bonnie crushed me on the third one and it was just me and her for the last repeat where we finished together at 6:50. They weren't my fastest by any means, but I felt strong and it was a great workout.

My weight is out of control though and that has to have an affect on my speed. I weighed 206 pounds after the workout which is 11 pounds heavier than my Chicago weight. I am not going to change too much these last 4 weeks before the marathon other than eat better. Now is not a time to diet so I will start that after the marathon when I start to work on my speed.

Stats - 8.16 Miles


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