Wednesday, January 10, 2007

400s at AHS

Today we met for 400s at AHS. It was another cold morning and I am really into the cold anymore. I would much rather train in the spring and summer. I just can't get going. I really like racing in the cold, but training in it sucks. I think maybe because it is cold and dark. In the summer it is light by 6AM, if not sooner, and it makes it easier to get out of bed and get going.

As for the workout, we did a casual jog over to the track. We did our drills and then started running on a crowded track. I started out with Anne for the first few, then we picked up Brian and Cincy Mike along the way. I haven't run since Sunday and was definitely feeling it today. We did 3 sets of 5 and called it a day. I averaged 1:41.8 for the first set, 1:39.2 for the second set, and 1:38.1 for the third set. We were supposed to drop 2 seconds every set, but my legs were totally dead. Anne and Brian dusted me the last few repeats. The times weren't that far off from my September times and those weren't right after a 20 mile race.

Tomorrow will be an easy run at home, a day off on Friday, and then we are running 15 miles on Saturday using the new 3M course. It should be fun!

Stats - 8.92 Miles


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