Saturday, March 24, 2007

LSR with the Boston Ladies

Carla and I were up late at the rodeo last night so I slept in and joined the Boston ladies on their last really long run before Boston. The course for them was up Exposition to 35th, up Shoal Creek and then the old marathon route to 183. The time was nice, but it was already warm when we started and the sun was shining bright. G arranged for water along the course which was great and we were off. I was really enjoying the run although there was a lot more people traffic on the trail and lots of car traffic on the roads. I didn't mind the people on the trail, but Austin drivers need to be more aware of runners. I had to really watch every car I encountered because there were a few times on the road where cars just pulled out in front of us. It was great to hear about the Boston folks' plans for the trip and it only added fuel to my desire to get my last 4 minutes in Chicago and run Boston next year.

I ran with the ladies for the first 7.5 miles which took me to Shoal Creek and Hancock. I said my goodbyes and headed back after a quick pit stop in a port a potty. Coming back by myself wasn't fun at all. I started to get tired, the temps were warming more and I just wanted to be done. I picked up the pace on the second half of the run which helped me get back quicker. I was in the 8:14 - 8:25 range for miles 8-15. When I got back I did 8 strides and then headed home. It was really weird to be finishing after noon and I don't plan on making a habit of it.

Stats - 15.01 miles/2:10:20/8:41 pace


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