Saturday, March 15, 2008

Short Saturday Run - Cap 10k Course

This morning I got up a little early and met the group for a run at 7AM. The choice was either the lollipop route or the Cap 10k course. I picked Cap 10k with Brian even though I won't be able to run the race because that is the day I leave for Germany. There were about 10-15 of us spread over 3 pods. We were up front for the first part, but the climb up Congress and then around to 15th street took its toll. Once we got around to the side of MoPac and hit the downhill part we picked it up a bit. We stopped for water at the Rock and continued on. Our last 3 miles were the fastest with mile 6 at 7:37 pace and the last half mile at 7:08 pace. It was nice to kick it up a notch. We did a one mile cool down and then joined the group for stretching.

Rachel showed up for a visit and Alex led the group. It was great to see everyone again. I plan to join the AM group on Monday so I can get some speed work in for a couple of 5ks in April and May.

10k Course and Trail
Stats - 6.5 Miles/53:21/8:12 pace
AHR - 140
MHR - 163

Total miles - 7.57


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