Monday, September 29, 2008

3/7 Pace Run

Today was our second pace run in preparation for Dallas. G suggested a 5/5, but since we already did a 3/7 last time we decided to do a 3/7 again today. We did the 3 mile warm up at around 10:00 pace and then took off in the dark for the 7 mile run. It is really hard to see in some parts of the trail and I was trying not to fall down. One of tribe took a hard fall under I-35 and I really felt bad for him. I had a slow first mile two weeks ago so I was sure to get off faster this time. My first two miles were 8:06 and 7:58. We stopped for water under the bridge and took off again. The sun was coming up so it was a lot easier to see the last 5 miles. I ran an 8:10 for mile 3 and then picked up from there. I felt like I was in a good groove until the last mile when I really had to focus to keep it going. The last 4 miles were 7:50, 7:42, 7:30, and 7:40. I felt really good and my confidence continues to build. I knocked 58 seconds off my time from two weeks ago which makes me really happy.

Stats - 10.12 miles

Pace Run Stats - 7.12 mils/55:53/7:51 pace
AHR - 152
MHR - 162


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