Thursday, October 02, 2008

The Universe

For those of you that know me well I am a big fan of The Secret. Through The Secret I found a web site that send me a daily message from the "Universe." These daily inspirations are thought provoking and really tie back to my faith. I am on a journey in this life that is already dictated by the Universe, meaning God. There is a plan for me which means that I need to work hard to achieve my goals in life, but I also need not worry so much because I have a safety net no matter how hard things may get for me along the journey. Anyway, today's email was so surprising because it was about a really specific goal I have. Check it out!

Act the part, Frank, act the part.

You will Qualify for the Boston Marathon. It's a done deal. Actually, I've already sent out the party invitations.

Act the part,
The Universe


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