Sunday, December 05, 2004

2004 Decker Challenge

Today brings us to the fifth race in the Distance Challenge...The Decker Challenge 20k. They increased the distance from 12 miles this year. The day was cloudy, drizzly, and kind of warm...typical Decker race day! I met up with the Gazelles for a very slow warmup from the finish line back about a mile. I had on sweat pants and a long sleeve shirt and was burning up by the time we got back. We did our drills and some light stretching. I headed back to the jeep to take off my pants and change into my singlet for the race. I shared a tree with Henry and then headed over to the start. Almost to the start I remembered that I forgot my body glide. I would pay for it later with some major chafing...especially with the drizzly, humid day.

The gun went off and I took off. I think I was only about 6 seconds behind the start line. My goal for the race was to do a 1:35. I started off at a pretty good pace and out onto the highway. They changed the course from last year, so you head right out onto the road and don't do a loop in the parking lot until the end. I tried to use my Motive learnings and go out slow. Of the first 6 miles, I was disappointed with mile 2 and mile 4. This was a pretty easy part of the course and I should have picked it up more.

Mile 1 - 7:41
Mile 2 - 7:57
Mile 3 - 7:44
Mile 4 - 8:03
Mile 5 - 7:44
Mile 6 - 7:37

Mile 7 brought the first of two nasty hills. Here and at mile 9. I thought I did pretty well on the back section of the course. I wish I could have recovered faster from the big hill at mile 9 because I think it slowed me down on mile 10. The turn in into the fairgrounds was familiar, but having to run almost to the finish and turn around really sucked. I kicked it up a notch the last two miles and passed many people. On the last little uphill with about .4 to go I passed these two clowns that made some nasty comments about me passing people. I guess it was because I was flying past them and they were sucking wind going up the hill.

Mile 7 - 8:07
Mile 8 - 7:39
Mile 9 - 8:01
Mile 10 - 7:53
Mile 11 - 7:34
Mile 12 - 7:34
Mile .4 - 3:20 (7:45 pace)
1:36:54 total

I crossed the line and felt pretty good. I did a 15 minute cool down with Liliana and Alex and then did some strides. I ran into Amanda and chatted for a bit and then headed over to change into warm clothes. I was feeling good until I went into the expo room. It was like a sauna in there. I hung out a bit with Alex, had a couple of donuts and then headed home. I was 1:54 slower than I wanted, but was Ok with it. I still did a pace PR over last year and I am only 4 weeks removed from NYC. I need to learn the fine line between reserving and hanging it out there for a better time. It's all still a learning process, but at least I am seeing where I can make up time in future races.


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