Monday, December 20, 2004

8 Mile Pace Run

Today was an 8 mile pace run. The goal is to run a two mile warmup and then run 8 miles at an even pace. Gilbert says 80% of your effort. My goal was to run the 8 mile part at a sub 8:00/mile pace since I need 8:00 miles to hit 3:30 at Freescale.

The weather was close to 40 degrees at the house so I wore tights, two layers on top, and gloves. I should have worn shorts because it was a lot warmer near the trail. I need to add 5 degrees to the house thermometer for a good trail temperature.

I started out with my usual group of fast folks, but knew there was no way I was going to be able to keep up. They took off like it was a 5k after two miles. I started to chase, but backed off and got into my groove. I guess Alex and Liliana averaged 7:05 and dusted Gretchen and Ann after about a mile. I ran the first 4 miles in 31:58 which was only two seconds under my goal pace. Part of it was running in the dark and the second part was my stomach having some issues. I got through 4.5 miles and had to "carbo-unload." After that I was feeling great and let loose. I ran the second 4 miles in 31:22 for a 36 second negative split. The last 3.5 miles were done in 27:27 which is a 7:51 pace.

I did 5 strides at Auditorium Shores and then headed home. I was very happy with my workout. I ran the 8 miles at a 7:55 pace and still had lots of gas left in the tank.

Total mileage for the day = 10.93 Miles


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