Monday, May 09, 2005

Weekend in Indy - Thursday (5/5/05)

Thursday -

I flew up to Indy with Jay on Thursday afternoon. We had a pretty uneventful flight up to Dallas and then Jay almost got mugged by some old bastard trying to get off the inter-terminal tram. The flight up to Indy was pretty quick as I caught a few winks. Alex, Jeff and Andy were waiting for us at the airport. We rolled to the Marriott where got our stuff squared away and ordered up a roll-away for Alex. Since he is both younger and smaller than Jay and I it was only fair...and it looked like a decent bed anyway.

We took a stroll down the street to check out the finish line area and then walked across the park where the finishing line festivities take place. We headed near the NCAA Hall of Champions and over to the starting line area. From there we headed into downtown and saw interesting historical stuff. Indy has some nice statues and buildings down there. We ended up at a place called Bazbeaux's pizza for one beer and lots of pizza. Alex and I shared a pizza called a Colossus which had half meat and half veggies. This place is even better than Mangia back in Austin. We headed back to the room and settled in. Jay headed over to Jeff and Andy's room for some guitar playing and Alex and I watched some TV and crashed early.


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