Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Wilke (Minimal)

Today was our monthly visit to Wilke. It was warm and humid again, but at least there was a bit of a breeze. Jay, Alex and i were the only ones that ran over to the hill from RunTex. I like that part of the run because the actual Wilke workout is kind of short on distance. My quad has been feeling better so I wanted to take it easy on the hill today. G said to do 3-7 and not to worry about speed, but to focus on form. I ran the first one and felt a twinge in my quad. I ran two more to complete the minimum. I ran three more repeats backward. G noticed that my left foot turns out during the backward ones, so I spent time focusing on that.

We ran back to RunTex and I came away unscathed. I got to the gym and did two sets of my arm exercises and stretched.

Stats - 6.54 Miles


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