Friday, October 07, 2005

Chicago Travel Day

Today we flew to Chicago for the race. Jan, Patrick, Sean, Jayna, and Kenny were all on our plane up there. It was a pretty quick flight. Once we landed we hopped in our limo and headed to the hotel. The weather was really cold, windy and rainy. Carla and I ate lunch with Patrick and Jan at a really good Italian place right next to the hotel called Ballo's. We shared a calamari appetizer and then Carla and I shared a wonderful cheese pizza. '

We then walked a couple of blocks and caught the shuttle to the Expo at McCormack Place. The expo had the usual fare of running shoe companies, pain people, nutrition, cheap clothes, and some charitable places. We stayed for about an hour and walked the whole floor. My feet were getting tired and we wanted to avoid traffic so we bailed around 3PM. We headed back to the hotel where we were able to catch the first of many naps. The weather was perfect for napping and chilling out.

We headed over to PF Chang's for dinner where I had a cup of hot and sour soup and a order of fried rice made with brown rice. It was awesome...definitely a 48 hour prior meal for races to come. We decided to head back to the hotel and rest. Me for the marathon and Carla since she wasn't feeling so well. I think I was asleep by 10:30 after watching another weather report.


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