Sunday, October 02, 2005


Today was the start of the 05'-06' Distance Challenge with the IBM 10k. The weather was warm, humid, and a bit overcast...typical IBM race weather. The race now starts at Northcross Mall and runs on part of the Freescale marathon course.

I met the group at 7AM and we did a two mile warm up and drills with Gilbert. I hit a porta-a-potty on the way back before the drills and then hit a bush right before the start. I was actually thinking that I might skip this race before the gun went off, but decided to run and enjoy the day. My only goal was to run slower than 47:30 which is right around my 7:40 marathon goal pace. Jay and I grabbed some water and headed over to the start line. We were pretty far back, but I took it as an opportunity to deal with the crowds which I will need next week in Chicago. I also took water at every stop but one so I could practice that as well.

The gun went off and I took off at a pretty controlled pace. I wanted to maneuver through the crowds and get into my rhythm quickly. There were a lot of folks to get through, but it was nice to be out of the gate and racing! I passed the governor in the two mile range and told him good job. He gave me a low "five" and said "go get 'em big 'un." We are about the same size so I don't know where the "big 'un" came from. :)

The first water stop snuck up on me so I missed big deal. I got into my pace and was watching my heart rate. It was up in the high 140s and I was feeling great. I caught up with Jan in the mile 3 range and then Jay caught us. I was going to run with him, but he was going at like a 7:30 clip. I thought I better hold back a bit, so I slowed and let Jan catch up with me. I ran with her to the mile 4 marker and then I wanted to pick it back up to my marathon race pace so I took off.

I crossed over Anderson Mill and was still feeling really good. I caught up with Jay at the 5 mile mark and ran him in. He looked like he was having a hard time so I gradually picked up the pace and he followed. Gilbert yelled at him to stay with me and I told Jay to draft me to the finish. He ended up crossing the line ahead of me which was really cool.

So for the day, I was 4.5 minutes off of my 10K PR, but I got a good workout and built some additional confidence for next week's marathon. I was able to run with two of my closest running friends and really enjoy the race which I haven't done in a long time. I think we all need to "stop and smell" the roses at some of these races. We all tend to focus so much on the time rather than running with friends and just enjoying a race.

Splits - (Miles 3 and 4 are averaged due to mile 3 being short) - 7:49, 7:48, 8:13, 8:13, 7:49, 7:39, 1:34

Race Stats - 6.2 Miles/49:05/7:54 pace
AHR - 152
MHR - 168


Blogger Jay said...

Thanks again for the assist today, Frank. I was not having fun when you caught me and helped me to the finish. That last burst was pretty quick, too!

October 02, 2005 6:27 PM  
Blogger Paco said...

I am glad I could assist. I really enjoyed that race!

October 05, 2005 3:57 PM  

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