Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Easy 7 on the Trail

Today I met a pretty good size group on the trail for a recovery run. My left leg is still hurting and it is getting old. The leg seems to be really stiff when I get up and then loosens after I get going and then stiffens up again after the run. There is a tender point on my ankle just above the ball on the outside of my foot, but no swelling or bruising. I did some online research and it says stress fractures tend to increase in pain as you run so I am thinking that it is just a sprained ankle from the CAM. I am now kicking myself for running that race.

As for the run, we averaged about 9:30 pace for the 7 miles. I skipped the strides so I coul d get to the gym and get to work at a decent time. I tend to screw around too much at RunTex and get to work later and later...a trend I need to reverse. I did some arm exercises, leg press, pull ups, but skipped the calf raises since it made my leg hurt.

I will probably skip the tempo race tomorrow and run easy on Thursday on the trail. I am on vacation Friday - Tuesday and will probably throw in some extra rest days to see if I can get it to heal on its own.

Stats - 7 miles//


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