Monday, May 29, 2006

Run in the Hood

After a day of resting and watching auto racing, I decided to sleep late and run at home. The Indy 500 yesterday was totally amazing. I was really rooting for Michael Andretti to get the win, but was happy that three American drivers finished in the top 3. I slept until 8:15 and got 3 more hours than if I would have got up at 5 for the circuit workout which was nice. I headed out into the overcast, humid morning and ran a couple of different loops to get my mileage in. The sweat was just pouring out of me. I lost 4 pounds in water. It must have been all of the margaritas coming out of me that I drank on Saturday night.

It was a good run and I really enjoyed the peacefulness. There wasn't a lot of traffic and there were a lot of people out walking and running. I picked it up as I went and ended up with a nice average for a run at home.

Stats - 6.5 miles/52:52/8:08 pace
AHR - 146
MHR - 163

Tomorrow I will start the Tuesday/Thursday recovery runs, hit the Gazelles on Wednesday, and then I have to figure out what to do over the next 4 days. We are heading to South Padre for 4 nights. I am sure I will be able to run there, but need to figure it out when I arrive.


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