Saturday, August 19, 2006

LSR to Mt. Bonnell and Back

Today was a back down week for our long runs so we did the Mt. Bonnell run. It was more muggy and hot this AM and I wasn't feeling so hot when I left the house. Anne was back after a week nursing some lower leg pain so I ran with her, Alex, and Marcy along with some other folks. My stomach started doing some flip flops along Lake Austin and after most of the training without the deuce, my streak was over. The group went ahead of me so I had to pick it up through the scenic hills to catch up with them at the cleaners. I missed the water stop, but was able to pick up a couple of cups of water from another training group and eat my CarbBoom along the way. I ran up to Mt. Bonnell with Alex and Marcy and felt spent after we got to the top. I drank a lot and ate my second CarbBoom. We started down and I just wanted to finish. We got water at the cleaners on the way back and decided to head back south on Pecos to get a smoother road with less camber than Exposition. We stopped for water at O'Henry and I ate my last CarbBoom. There wasn't going to be any fast finish today. We stopped again at the rock and I just kept focusing on pacing with Marcy and Alex the whole way back.

My overall time was about 30 seconds slower than two weeks ago so it wasn't as much of a disaster as I thought it was.

Stats - 13.5 miles/1:55:09/8:32 pace
AHR - 137
MHR - 167


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