Monday, August 07, 2006

10 Mile/8 Mile Pace Run

Today we met for another 2/8 pace run. We warmed up for 2 miles and then took off at marathon pace for the last 8 miles. I stuck with my training partners Anne and Alex for the warmup and once we got to the 8 mile mark we took off. Alex left us in the dust and Anne and I stuck together. Last time I stopped my watch for the water and potty stops, but this time it was a running clock. We stopped at the Holly plant for water and headed off again. I was not feeling it today at all so I knew it was going to be a mental toughness day. My two weeks of vacation and travel had caught up with me. Anyway, we were going along good and stopped again under I-35 where Bernard had some liquids for us. After 3 cups, we headed off again. I was really feeling crappy, but kept plodding along. Anne started to distance herself from me and I had nothing left to chase her down. I stopped for a quick sip at the Rock water fountain and set off again. Anne passed me before Neff Point and I was just trying to hang on at that point. My last two miles were really slow, but I finished. I was really happy that although I felt like crap and was tired, I didn't quit. These are the runs that really make you strong for marathon day. You have to manage the bad times in order to be a good marathoner. Even though my 8 mile time was 58 seconds slower than on 7/17, I probably ran faster because this time included my water stops.

I did 8 strides and then headed off to the gym where I stretched, did my abs, and did some pull ups. I am going to force myself back into my routine this week, get back on my diet, and make a strong push for the final 11 weeks of our training.

Stats - 10.16 miles/1:21:04/7:59 pace
AHR - 154
MHR - 170

8 Mile Pace Run - 1:02:07/7:46 pace (includes 3 water stops)

Splits -
7:58 (water stop)
7:49 (water stop)
7:44 (water stop)


Blogger TRI TO BE FUNNY said...

You may have been chasing Ann, but we were chasing you! Great run today...

August 07, 2006 3:20 PM  

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