Wednesday, September 13, 2006

1000s at AHS

I planned on running in St. Louis yesterday, but forgot my orthotics so I slept in before my meetings. It was a nice break for my tired body. This morning I met the group at RunTex on a nice breezy, cool morning. The task was 8x1000 with 2:30 - 3:00 minutes in between. I ran with Alex W and John Herrera and we had a great time as we progressed. G wanted us to run 3:20/800 meter pace. We were way off on our first repeat, but settled into a groove and ran consistent. We dropped the bomb on the last one with the guys dusting me with 100 meters to go. They are totally faster than me...and a lot younger, but I hung with them for the set. It was a good day.

Splits -
4:30.4, 4:05.1, 4:04.2, 4:04.9
4:04.4, 4:06.5, 4:05.1, 3:48.8 New 1000 meter repeat PR
Average - 4:06.2

My hamstring bothered me all day so I am hoping it is a something minor if anything at all. I went by RunTex at lunch time so Bill Stone could set me up with some new orthotics. My old ones are about a year old and falling apart.

Stats - 9.89 miles
AHR - 131
MHR - 176


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