Sunday, January 28, 2007

3M Half Marathon

Can you say perfect running conditions? Well that is what we had today for the annual 3M half marathon. It was about 39 degrees at the start with a wind out of the north. I met some of the group and rode up in Jay's Tahoe to the top. We did a little two mile jog and then got ready for the race. I hit the chute about 15 minutes before the start and the crowd was already thick. I had to squeeze in and still be stuck a ways back.

The gun went off and we headed into the wind for the first mile which wasn't too bad with the thick crowd around me. I had to do a lot of maneuvering to get around people that shouldn't have been up front. That is a huge peeve of mine, but it happens every race. I ran into Thon just before the first mile marker. We ran together for awhile and then he went ahead of me. I lost some time in the first two miles with all the traffic. They were my slowest miles of the day. My goal for the day was to PR and run how I felt, and I felt damn good! We hit the past piece between 360 and Mopac and I ran well through there. Going across MoPac was really cold with no protection from the wind. I felt bad for the photographers who got stuck being stationed up there. I cruised through the next section of the course and over Burnet for a mostly downhill section to North Loop. I was actually happy to get to North loop to change up things for my muscles. I ran well through there and once I hit the corner at Duval and the last portion of the race I was really pumped. I felt like I was on cruise control and really enjoying myself. Running through campus was great and once we hit 15th you could see the finish line and it was a kick it in type of finish. Although I was beginning to tire, I didn't let up until the finish.

Once I crossed, I got a high five and a hug from Thon, who had a great race. I got high fives from Carrie and Skud, and kind of waited there for the rest of the peeps to finish. Everyone had a really strong race and there were PRs for many of us. I got my cover up from Jay and we hung out for a bit. We then did a little 1.5 mile jog back to RunTex which was really good for the legs. I drove the guys and Jennifer back to the top and called it a day. I was able to PR by 1:06 over last year and my average pace is now quicker than my 10k pace. Overall it was a great day. We can only pray for such a good weather day for the marathon...minus the wind of course!

Splits - 7:27, 7:28, 7:08, 7:04, 6:57, 7:09, 7:08, 7:11, 7:11, 7:13, 6:58, 7:03, 6:59, :58 for the last .11 miles

First 6 miles - 43:13, last 6 miles - 42:35, 38 second negative split

Time - 1:33:54/7:10 pace/1:06 PR


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