Wednesday, June 20, 2007

1000s at AHS

Today we met for 1000s at AHS. The weather was really sticky with thunderstorm warnings. When we hit the trail we noticed the water was actually flowing. I guess they opened the dam at Lake Travis. The nice thing was the effect, something thermal according Brad, cooled down the trail a lot. We felt it heading to AHS and then a lot coming back to RunTex. We had to take a little detour at the boat ramp near the high school. The water was rising up into that area.

As for the workout, we did our drills and then got into groups for the repeats. G said we needed to do 6 repeats and then 3x200 after to work on form. I lined up with my new group which included Brad, Cincy Mike (from last year), and a couple of new guys. G sent us out with a 4:10-4:15 goal which I thought was a bit scary since I averaged 4:16 last week at Zilker. We were pretty consistent with our repeats and did a decent job of taking turns leading. As usual my first couple were to get the kinks out and I know I was working harder over the last 4, but still felt good. The chart for my heart rate was pretty cool with a stairstep look for the 6 repeats.

Repeats - 4:11, 4:18, 4:10, 4:09, 4:07, 4:01 - Average 4:09

Once we finished with the 1000s we did 3x200 to work on our form. I was toast at the end of those. We had a nice jog back and I headed home. I knew I sweat a ton on Monday and didn't feel so good the rest of the day so I weighed myself before I left this morning and weighed 206. When I got home I weighed 201.5 and that was after drinking 20 oz. of Ultima plus the water and Accelerade I drank during the workout. When I got home I did some ab work including the 30/45/90 drill. I also did a short stretch routine.

Stats - 9.33 miles
AHR - 136
MHR - 174


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