Wednesday, June 13, 2007

1000s at Zilker

Today I rejoined the group for 1000s at Zilker. The weather was warm, but not really nasty. We had a really nice sized crowd out there today which was nice. I actually had some folks to run with and we had a small lead pack to chase. G was talking about doing 6, but we ended up having to do 5. It was a good workout, but I was still feeling the after effects of the drive yesterday and my last day of good food on Monday night. I really need to lock down on my diet and eliminate all the bad stuff. It's time to get serious in all phases of my running and that includes diet. I was able to make my last repeat the fastest, but wish I could have been more consistent. I went up and down for the first 4 which isn't good. My AHR was in the 140s (all below my anaerobic threshold) for all of the repeats except for the last one where it went to 154. We weren't supposed to go all out so I did the workout correctly.

Repeats - 4:16, 4:24, 4:15, 4:19, 4:05 - Average 4:16

Stats - 7.66 miles
AHR - 122
MHR - 165


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