Friday, September 28, 2007

Easy 10 on the Trail

Today I got a late start on my 10 mile run. I drove to Zilker by where we do our loops around the soccer fields. The plan was to start at the mile 1 marker and go out to the mile 6 marker and turn around. It was still cool at 7:45 when I started and I was able to stay in the shade of the trail for the first 4 miles. I was clicking them off at a good pace and was actually way ahead of schedule. Once I crossed I-35 the shade went away and it got hot and my heart rate really increased pretty quickly. As soon as I hit the 6 mile marker I almost ran into Rachel coming the other direction. It was a really nice surprise. We had a nice run for the next 5 miles. She was telling me about her new scooter which I really want to see. I was dreading run 10 miles by myself so it was great to run with one of my good running buds those last 5 miles.

I am so happy to get the run out of the way. I can sleep in tomorrow and run and easy 4-5 miles in the morning.

Stats - 10.21 miles/1:26:49/8:30 pace
AHR - 142
MHR - 153


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