Saturday, August 27, 2005

22 Miler

Today we ran our longest run of the season. I have had stomach issues since Thursday afternoon. I mixed organic and regular milk in my cereal Thursday morning and I guess it is a no-no. I have had a sour stomach since then. I finally had to take Immodium last night and another dose this AM to stop it. I drank all day yesterday, but I still think I was a bit dehydrated at the start.

We ran the Freescale course starting at Gateway with a little more mileage on the Lake Austin out. We were supposed to run all the way to Enfield and then turn around. G and Henry provided water and Gatorade about every 4 miles and I drank Enervitene at these stops. I drank more and more as the miles passed because I was dehydrated. It felt like Chicago 2003...not a good sign. I still managed to stay within my goal LSR pace of less than 8:40, but that makes two weeks in a row I struggled with my long run. I was happy to finish and did pick it up a little at the end. We have one 20 miler left and I need to go out slower and run the last 5-6 miles at my 7:40 MGP.

My new orthotics worked great and I didn't have any issues at all with my legs. I went to Barton Springs with Anne and that felt really good. Caroline played in a soccer tournament all day and I stood and walked a lot. I think that really helped my recovery.

Splits -

Miles 1-5 - 9:26, 8:46, 8:38, 8;36, 8:18

Miles 6-10 - 8:42, 8:38, 8:42, 8:44, 8:56

Miles 11-15 - 7:58, 8:21, 8:18, 8:41, 7:02 (must be an error)

Miles 16 - 20 - 8:42, 8:23, 8:14, 8:12, 8:18

Mile 21 - 21.57 - 8:46, 4:38 (8:09 pace)

Stats - 21.57 Miles/3:03:10/8:30 pace


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