Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Tempo Run

Today we did a 4 mile tempo run on the trail. It's been a rough few days so I didn't know what to expect. We did the 1 mile warmup jog to the Pfluger bridge and back, and then we did our drills. Some of the newbies bailed on the drills and took off before G got there...they will learn :). G told us to be careful in the dark and to make each mile faster.

I took off chasing Kenny Hill and another lady and wasn't really running with anyone. I felt comfortable the first mile. The second mile is the trail over the bridge, around the hairpin and through the really dark areas. I took that one a bit slower so I wouldn't hurt myself on the cement drop off areas. Once I got out of the dark I went a little harder. I hit the turnaround and saw that Sean was on my heels. He has a solid kick so I my goal for the final two miles was to finish ahead of him. I picked up the pace since the sun was coming up and I could see better. I kept pushing to the one mile mark and tried to pick it up even more. I was feeling really good and comfortable. My fastest mile was the last one with G yelling at both Sean and I to finish strong. I crossed the line with Sean right on my heels. He said every time he made a move I countered, so it was a lot of fun. I have to say that after the last few days, I really have my confidence back. I was only 10 seconds slower than my PR for this run and this morning had to be one of the warmest of the summer...78 degrees at the start. I actually picked up speed over the last 3 miles and was only 3 seconds off from getting progressively faster for all 4 miles.

4 Mile Splits - 6:58, 7:01, 6:53, 6:47

Tomorrow I will be doing my recovery run around around Circle C and then we have the 22 miler on Saturday.

Stats - 6.21 total miles
Tempo run - 4 miles/28:02/7:01 pace (my Garmin said 4.06 miles, but since we run the same course for all of our tempo runs, I am sticking with 4 miles)
AHR - 160
MHR - 173


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