Saturday, January 14, 2006

The 3M Course

Today we ran the 3M course at 6AM. It turned out to be a really cold day. It was about 32 at the start, but still very dry. We haven't had a good rain since November and the last measurable rain was about a month ago. I drove straight to Gateway since today is also going to be "Elfa" day and got there late. I barely had time to tie my shoes before everyone took off. I caught up to the pack and settled in with Diana and Kelly. At about the 3 or 4 mile mark we took a pit stop at a conveniance store and the whole gang went by. We stopped for water and I ate a Carboom at about the 6 mile mark and we were on our way again. We took a wrong turn on our way to Medical Parkway so we missed the second water stop and that really sucked. We were all doing OK though since it wasn cold outside. We passed Marci at about the 12 mile mark and she was walking. She said she had some IT issues.

Overall it was a really nice run on a very nice course. I can't wait for race day because I am going to give it full effort this year. In the past I have always held back and it didn't pay off at Freescale. With 3 weeks in between races, I should be good to go.

Carla and the kids picked me up to head to the top so I skipped strides and stretching. I did some light stretching while I was waiting for my shelving. I ended up working until about 5 after we got home so I was really tired and fell asleep watching football.

Stats - 13.55 Miles/2:00:05/8:51 pace

For the week I ended with over 58 miles which is near or just beats my longest mileage week. I am feeling good!


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