Monday, February 06, 2006

800s at AHS

After a rest day yesterday, we met this morning for 800s at AHS. I pretty much jogged alone the long way to Austin High and joined the group for our drills. I lined up with Sean, Jerry and a couple of other guys I don't know too well. The goal was to run 8 repeats in the 3:10 - 3:15 range with 2 minutes rest in between. There was a wicked wind coming out of the NW so it was brutal for half of each Jay said as we passed eachother during the repeats, "shades of the 20 mile race." The first few didn't realy feel that good and I was going to bail at 6 repeats, but I pressed on and the last 4 were in the range that I needed. The wind must have sucked at least 5-10 seconds per repeat. I did 2x200 afterwards and then headed back to RunTex with Jay and a few other folks.

Repeat times:
03:20.9, 03:23.4, 03:20.0, 03:22.3, 03:15.2, 03:16.7, 03:18.6, 03:16.0
3:19 average

In December I averaged 3:16 for 8 repeats with a fast repeat of 3:03, so I am happy with today's results. I worked hard, stayed consistent and focused, and finished strong. I headed to the gym, did 2x25 crunches in the Roman Chair and then did 2x50 crunches on the floor. I used the assisted chin up machine and did a couple of sets of chin ups and then did 2x30 arm swings in running pose with the 10 pound dumb bells. The arm exercises are just to open up my chest a bit. I did the full stretch routine and headed to the office.

Stats - 10 Miles


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