Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Cap 10k Farteks

Today we met for easy fartleks on the 7 mile loop. I think we were supposed to do the 10 mile fartleks with the marathon group, but Jay and I decided to pass and join the 10k folks since we are racing on Sunday. My legs weren't up for it anway. I ran too hard yesterday and my left knee has been hurting since we did the long run on Sunday. It's a dull pain that kind of hurts all the time, but hurts more when I climb stairs and while I was warming up for my run. I am going to rest it the next couple of days and then go easy on Saturday. My race goals for Sunday will depend on how it feels on Saturday.

As for the run, we did 20 minutes easy (2 miles) and then did 20 minutes of 1 on/1 off. We finished off with a cool down for the rest of the way. The trail was torn up in places due to the heavy rains, but it wasn't too muddy. We passed a guy smoking a joint which was kind fo funny. It was a fun run with a fun group.

Stats - 7 miles/1:02:52/8:59 pace


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