Saturday, April 08, 2006

LSR - The Grove Route

Today a few of us ran the Grove loop with an Enfield loop extension. The weather was actually pretty good, but I was still tired from my trip this week and my knee was still iffy. I planned to run slow with Jay and some of his folks, but I started out with Alex and just stayed there the whole route. I had to carry some Gatorade which really sucked...from now on I need to figure avoid my water belt. It just pulls on my stomach. The run was pretty good except for some loose dogs on Grove and me having to make a deuce stop at the Holly Power Plant. We stopped for water at the Rock and then headed off under MoPac. We ran head-on into the Fertile Hope 5k, but missed seeing Lance Armstrong running. All of our miles except for the first two were in the 8:xx range. My legs were really tired after the run, but not as drained as the 15 miler we ran through the hills a couple of weeks ago.

Stats - 16.45 miles/2:23:04/8:42 pace


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