Wednesday, July 19, 2006

1000s at AHS

Today we met at RunTex to head over to AHS for 1000s. Jay was back from vacation and Sean surprised us by showing up today. He is already back from his tour of Europe and after a few days of relaxing decided to rejoin the group and get going again. We did an easy jog over and then had to do our drills on the north side of the track. There was another training group there with a lot of people. We finished up and then got started. G listed me with a faster group, but they would run me into the ground so I stayed with my normal group who all run faster marathons than me. I looked up my goal times on the McMillan chart and read I should do them between 4:01 and 4:10. We took turns leading the repeats and were pretty consistent. I wanted to close out fast and did my fastest 1000 on the track ever. My overall average was also a PR.

Splits - 4:10.0, 4:11.5, 4:09.2, 4:05.1, 3:49.5; Average 4:05.1

We did 4x200 to practive butt kick. I got yelled at here because I don't butt kick that well. I need to work on that more. He wanted 50 situps once we were done. I think I did around 30. I never do full sit ups for my abs so 30 was a nice number.

I did my cool down run with Skud and Sean and we heard more about his trip. I headed off to the gym for a quick stretch and a shower. My legs feel pretty good for a hard two weeks of running. It will nice to do a flat, long course this weekend and to have a break next week while I am on vacation. My goal is to run 20-24 miles on the ship and lift weights. I also want any weight gain to be minimized, so I have to control my urge to eat and drink everything in sight.

Stats - 8.62 Miles (2.32 warmup/drills, 3.75 repeats, 1.0 200s, 1.55 cool down)
Max HR - 173 (during my last repeat)


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