Thursday, September 21, 2006

Very Easy 7

Today I met Emily, Alex and Rachel for an easy 7. The weather was still OK, but you could feel the humidity coming back. It is supposed to be back with a vengeance tomorrow and Saturday morning before another cold front moves through. That means a nasty day for out last 20 miler.

I felt really good after my day off and full day of eating. I had a lot more energy and my legs felt awesome. We only averaged about a 10 minute pace which seemed slow, but was good for all of us. My running partners ran the tempo race and were feeling the after affects and I just wanted to get the mileage in. I used my marathon shoes and new orthotics for the first time and they felt pretty good. I am going to use them on Saturday and then probably shelve them until the race.

I hit the gym on the way to work and did my weight workout for my legs and arms as well as some dips, pull ups, and ab work. I did an abbreviated stretch focusing on my hips and hamstrings.

Stats - 6.95 miles/1:10:00


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