Wednesday, February 07, 2007

800s at AHS

Today was our last speedwork session of this marathon training season. This weekend I didn't plan on doing the workout, but my groin has been feeling better so I thought I would go out. The morning was a lot warmer with temps in the low 50s and humid. It was a very nice change. I wore two layers on top, but was burning up by the time we got to AHS. I took off the top layer for the workout. We did our drills and the G had us do 6-8 repeats at "Yasso" pace not MGP. I ran over thinking I would be running them at 4:00 each, but ended up trying to manage around 3:30 for each repeat. I ran with the ladies today which was nice. Many of my training buds from past marathons in the posse so it was really nice. We took turns leading and I was able to hang for the first 4. My groin acted up so I backed off and called it a day after 6 repeats.

Splits - 3:35, 3:23, 3:26, 3:24, 3:29, 3:28

They weren't my fastest by any means, but they did the Yasso trick. My groin is a bit sore now, but it will be fine after some easy runs and the extra race days this week.

Stats - 7.16 miles


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