Monday, April 23, 2007

3/7 Pace Run

Today I joined the Indy peeps for a 3/7 pace run. I didn't sleep well last night due to itchy legs so I didn't really know what to expect this morning. (I think I brushed up against some poison ivy/oak on our long run on Saturday while doing a little hydration adjustment in the careful in the bushes.) It was day 2 of drizzly weather in Austin so it was really humid this morning. We headed out counter-clockwise on the trail. We made a quick pit stop at the two mile mark and then finished our our three mile warmup. We were off at mile three and I just ran how I felt. I did well the first two miles and then the stomach stuff came back and slowed down the 3rd mile. I stopped to unload and then was off again. I felt a lot better and put together two strong miles in the 7:30s before getting tired for the last two miles. I drank very quickly at the Pfluger bridge and then brought it home. I averaged 9:30 for the 3 mile warmup and then 7:38 for the actual pace run which makes me happy. My goal for Indy is to finish faster than last year so this pace run puts me in the ball park. I just need to eat better and avoid alchohol until after the race next week.

We talked to G afterward and got our orders for the rest of this week and next. He also told me that I really need to take it easy for the month of May so I can hit the Chicago training start date in June fresh. I have been non-stop for over a year with a small break after Chicago and about a month away from the Gazelles after ATT, but I raced most of the DC series so I could use another mini break and focus on strength.

Stats - 10.17 miles/1:23:20/8:11 overall pace


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